BabyBus Kids Games برنامه ها

男生女生不一样 - 宝宝巴士
BabyBus Kids Games
宝宝是不是经常好奇地问,为什么他(她)长得跟我不一样?为什么妈妈跟爸爸不一样?什么是男生,什么是女生?你会怎么回答孩子的问题呢?让【男生女生不一样】来帮忙吧!宝宝的性别意识一般从3岁开始建立。从小让宝宝了解男女间的差异,有助于孩子培养健全的人格,避免出现性格偏差,为TA以后的健康成长打好基础。男人女人的区别表现在很多方面。【男生女生不一样】,让宝宝学会用服装、发型、嗓音等特点分辨男女,以后再也不担心宝宝上错厕所、穿错衣服、认错性别了!~产品特色:*配音+动画,视听结合,让宝宝感受男女差异;*换装+上厕所两大情景,让孩子上对厕所、穿对衣服;*通过让宝宝辨认物品,检验TA能否正确认识性别,巩固学习成果。—————————————▶设计理念:我们专注于启发,而不只是学习。我们专注于能力培养,而不只是单一认知。我们专注于寓教于乐,而不是填鸭式教学。宝宝巴士,快乐童年!_________▶系列介绍:宝宝巴士(BabyBus),专注启蒙,而不仅仅是教育。我们的产品包含了启蒙站和探索站两个系列。探索站系列结合3-6岁宝宝的早教重点,设计了百科馆、智力园、文化宫等类别,旨在开发宝宝百科、音乐、美术等全面认知能力和左右脑思维分析能力。PS:在搜索框里面输入babybus或“宝宝巴士”可以检索到宝宝巴士(BabyBus)的所有产品。_________▶欢迎联系:邮箱:ser@babybus.com微博:官网:http://www.babybus.comBaby is not alwayscurious to ask why he (she) looks than I do?Why not the same mother and father?What is the boy, what a girl?How would you answer the child's problem?Let [boys and girls] is not the same to help it!The baby's gender awareness generally 3 years from the beginningof the establishment. Let your baby from an early age to understandthe differences between men and women, to help children develop ahealthy personality, to avoid bias character, lay the foundationfor future healthy growth of TA.The difference between men and women behave in many ways. [Boysand girls] is not the same, let your baby learn to use theclothing, hair, voice and other characteristics to distinguishbetween men and women, do not worry about it later on the wrongbaby toilet, wearing the wrong clothes, sex admit it! ~Product Features:* Dubbing + animation, audio-visual integration, let the baby feelthe difference between men and women;* Dress + toilet two scenarios, let the children on to the toilet,wear the right clothes;* Let your baby to recognize objects by inspection TA correctunderstanding of sex, consolidate learning outcomes.-------------▶ design concepts:We focus on inspiration, not just learning.We focus on capacity-building, rather than a singlecognition.We focus on entertaining, rather than spoon-feeding teaching.Baby Bus, happy childhood!_________▶ The series introduction:Baby Bus (BabyBus), focused on enlightenment, not just education.Our products include enlightenment station and explore the stationtwo series. Exploration Station series combines 3-6 years old babyearly childhood focus encyclopedia designed museum, intellectualPark, Palace of Culture and other categories, aimed at developingbaby words, music, art and other comprehensive cognitive andanalytical skills left and right brain thinking.PS: Enter babybus or "Baby Bus" in the search box which you canretrieve the baby bus (BabyBus) for all products._________▶ please contact:E-mail: ser@babybus.comTwitter: http: // website: http: //
BabyBus Kids Games
Papermaking - Free for kids
BabyBus Kids Games
It is time to trace back to the invention ofpaper right to its origin. Learn the steps and join the fun. Startthe paper making process using an ancient method. Experience a partof history! Play now this cute skill game!Fun features:- 5 easy steps to paper making- Gathering- Cleaning- Steaming- Pulping- And drying- Use paper in fine arts and crafts- Fun activities for your preschoolers!Paper making is a task that children can enjoy and relate to.Make a sheet of paper and turn it into a lantern, a waxed umbrellaand more. Time to get the work started!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learningWe focus on skill-buildingWe focus on bringing fun contents to our young audienceTake the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:BabyBus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and 6.The educational series in the Prodigy Group combines the mainconcepts of early childhood education to meet the needs ofmastering different learning categories. The applications are aimedat the comprehensive and the analytic development inpreschoolers.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.Contact us:Facebook: en@babybus.comWebsite:
Animated Stickers - My Album
BabyBus Kids Games
Our little PANDA wants you to learn new words!He has been WORKING HARD and this is the cute result:Animated stickers!Trains, boats, fruits, animals, body parts... Collect, play andinteract with them! Create your own Sticker Album!Kiki, the little panda, and all his little friends are waitingfor you to join this adventure! Fun features:- Unique high quality collection of stickers!- Cute sounds and colorful scenarios for your kids!- More than 60 stickers!Let CHILDREN learn while having fun with this EDUCATIONAL gamefor kids! Help them complete their STAM COLLECTION and developtheir imagination and creativity!__________▶Design concepts:We focus on inspiration, not just learning.We focus on capacity-building, rather than a singlecognition.We focus on entertaining, rather than spoon-feeding teaching.Take the baby bus, which is loaded with a happy childhood!___________▶The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhoodeducational software. The mobile applications are designed anddeveloped specifically for preschoolers, and they are divided intotwo groups by age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the agesof 1 and 3 and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3and 6.The educational series in the Starter Group pursuits earlylearning by introducing games and songs tailored to your tots. Theapplications are aimed at improving their hand-eye coordination andnurturing their creativity from an early age.___________▶Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.Feel free to tell us your thoughts on our games and servicesusing the contact methods listed below:E-mail: en@babybus.comWebsite: http://www.babybus.comFacebook:
My Little DJ
BabyBus Kids Games
Put babies and turntables together and theresult is many little professional DJ’s! Watch them scratch thediscs and switch out records. They are really good!Fun features:- Work a simple turntable- Lively animations and effects- A collection of songs for children!Children can listen to music while they add their mix into theplay. Let the record spin!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learningWe focus on skill-buildingWe focus on bringing fun contents to our young audienceTake the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and6.The educational series in the Starter Group pursuits early learningby introducing games and songs tailored to your tots. Theapplications are aimed at improving their hand-eye coordination andnurturing their creativity from an early age.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.Feel free to tell us your thoughts on our games and services usingthe contact methods listed below:E-mail: en@babybus.comWebsite: http://www.babybus.comFacebook:
我要長高 - 幼兒・兒童教育遊戲 - 寶寶巴士
BabyBus Kids Games
寶爸寶媽們是不是都希望自己的孩子“高人一等”呢?快來【我要長高】告訴你寶寶長高的秘訣~寶寶巴士首款互動式音樂繪本APP,讓寶寶在看故事聽兒歌玩遊戲的同時,輕鬆學會三大長高秘訣!1、【吃飯不挑食】:果蔬和肉類中含有大量的各種維生素,是寶寶大腦的發育和身體成長不可欠缺的因素,所以一定不能挑食噢。2、【多多做運動】:運動能刺激身體分泌生長激素,而且在戶外陽光能使身體中的鈣快速吸收,有助於寶寶長高。3、【按時早睡覺】:晚上9點後是寶寶長身體分泌成長激素最為旺盛的最佳時機!所以要學會按時睡覺的習慣噢。寶寶巴士溫馨提示:【個高】不僅僅是寶寶身體健康的一個標誌,還能讓孩子在同齡人之間更加有自信哦。粑粑麻麻們趕快動起來吧~!產品特點:1、兒歌+長高故事+互動遊戲,內容豐富;2、情境帶入教學,讓寶寶輕鬆學會;_________▶設計理念:寶寶巴士(BabyBus),專注啟蒙,而不僅僅是教育。我們專注於啟發,而不只是學習。我們專注於能力培養,而不只是單一認知。我們專注於寓教於樂,而不是填鴨式教學。寶寶巴士,快樂童年!_________▶歡迎聯繫:微信:宝宝巴士微博:@宝宝巴士郵箱:ser@babybus.com官網:http://www.babybus.comPo dad Baoma who is notall want their children to "superior" mean? Come [I want to tellyou the secret to grow taller] baby grow taller ~    Baby's first interactive musical picturebook bus APP, let your baby listen to songs play games whilewatching the story, easily learn the secret of the three tall!1] [not picky eaters eat: fruits and vegetables and meat containlarge amounts of various vitamins, baby brain development andphysical growth indispensable factor, it must not picky eatersOh.2, [a lot of] exercise: Exercise can stimulate the body to secretegrowth hormone, but also on the outdoor sun make rapid absorptionof calcium in the body to help the baby grow taller.3, [time] to bed early: 21:00 long after the baby is the best timeto secrete growth hormone the body most exuberant! So learn thehabit of sleeping on time Oh.    Baby Bus Tips: [high] is not just a signof the health of the baby, but also let the children more confidentamong their peers, oh. Baba Ma Ma are quickly moving up it ~!Features:1, children's songs + tall story + interactive games, rich incontent;2, into the teaching situation, let your baby easily learn;_________▶ design concepts:Baby Bus (BabyBus), focused on enlightenment, not justeducation.We focus on inspiration, not just learning.We focus on capacity-building, rather than a singlecognition.We focus on entertaining, rather than spoon-feeding teaching.Baby Bus, happy childhood!_________▶ please contact:Micro letter: Baby BusMicroblogging: @ Baby BusE-mail: ser@babybus.comOfficial website: http: //
BabyBus Kids Games
如果你只想要1款早教应用,下载【宝宝巴士】就够了!儿歌、动画、唐诗、算数、故事、基础认知、智能对话……你想给宝宝的,【宝宝巴士】全部都有!【宝宝巴士】更新啦~千万宝宝期待的【宠物家园】开放了哦~快来喂食、装扮小宠物吧~和小宠物互动升级,让宠物变得更加的酷炫吧~奇奇的礼物盒也新增好多惊喜玩法哦!快快来体验一下吧~【宝宝巴士】全新圣诞版装饰,给宝宝一个不一样的圣诞体验~【宝宝巴士】贴心加入【安全下载】、【家长控制】系统,不耗流量不花钱,让爸妈最放心、最省心的早教小帮手,就是【宝宝巴士】!核心功能:【海量内容】唐诗、算术、基础认知等应有尽有,持续更新,可爱的奇奇会全方位陪伴宝宝成长。【智能对话】内置超过3000条宝宝日常学习对话,快速提升宝宝语音能力和逻辑思维能力,真正做到智能对话,贴心陪伴。【倾听童心】爸爸妈妈们能从孩子跟宝宝巴士的对话中,听到孩子只跟小伙伴说,没跟父母说的“贴心话”,更好的了解孩子内心世界。【流量安全】防误点UI界面+贴心下载提醒,多重保险,不耗流量不花钱,早教精品全拥有。产品特色:1、涵盖宝宝巴士旗下百款精品早教应用,根据宝宝的年龄和必学知识点智能推荐应用,一键下载,轻松便捷;2、最贴心的UI体验+下载提醒,完全不用担心孩子误点击耗流量,爸妈省心;3、海量内容,持续更新,家长可自由选择学习重点,为孩子定制专属学习计划;4、3000+智能对话,主题丰富逻辑性强,奇奇会叫宝宝小名,回应宝宝各种问题,有效锻炼宝宝口头表达能力;5、【3D Touch】:完美支持3DTouch功能,轻松快捷进入宠物家园、唐诗、电话、动画视频,操作简便,更适合宝宝操作;6、【新增功能】:新增每日签到功能,签到送金币~听儿歌看动画、读唐诗、打电话、答题、都能获得金币呢!7、【新增功能】:家长中心新增【检测更新功能】和【用户问题反馈功能】,爸爸妈妈用起来更顺手~8、【题库优化】:考考你变得更有趣丰富啦,新增数十种题目类型,上百个考题呢~如果您的宝贝喜欢宝宝巴士的产品,希望您能给我们好评,谢谢!有任何问题或意见,欢迎您用微信(搜索“宝宝巴士”)或者邮件联系我们,我们会第一时间回复。_________设计理念:宝宝巴士(BabyBus),专注启蒙,而不仅仅是教育。我们专注于启发,而不只是学习。我们专注于能力培养,而不只是单一认知。我们专注于寓教于乐,而不是填鸭式教学。宝宝巴士,快乐童年!9000万家庭的早教首选,您身边的幼儿教育专家!PS:在搜索框里面输入“宝宝巴士”可以检索到宝宝巴士(BabyBus)的所有产品。在宝宝巴士,我们自己也身为父母,所以非常重视儿童的健康和隐私。下载应用前,您可以从这里阅读我们的隐私政策:欢迎联系:微信:宝宝巴士微博:@宝宝巴士官网: http://www.babybus.com邮箱
Car Safety - Seats
BabyBus Kids Games
Welcome to Car Safety by Babyauto &Babybus!Kiki, our little panda, and all his friends want to travel by carbut they will need your help! They know that safety is veryimportant! Therefore, our cute animals want to learn more about itwhile playing and having fun! Join them in this wonderfuladventure! They are waiting for you! Let’s travel safe!Fun features:- Help your friends to choose the right chair!- Spot the poor behaviors on the road!- Maintain cars and keep them clean!- Interactive scenarios and puzzles!Watch your children point out and fix unsafe actions!With many child-friendly scenarios, this educational game provideschildren with puzzles and exercises that promote proper behaviorsand the importance of follow some safety tips when they becomepassengers in a moving vehicle. Remember: Safety comes first!___________▶About Babyauto:The panda is the most important Characters of ourappsWe know that the safety of our little ones when out and about inthe car is your most important priority, and it's ours too. We arepassionate about Child Safety and as such we strive to continuouslydesign and develop CarSeats that give your child the best in safety, security andcomfort.Children grow quickly and our range provides safe and practicalcarseats solutions for all stages of your baby's development 12 years old.At Babyauto, our engineers work every day to bring parents thelatest in functionality and style, with safety being a foremostconcern. All of our car seats are designed and intensively testedat levels above ECE, CCC and international normatives.Contact us: www.babyauto.com___________▶ About Babybus:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for kids.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find great educationalgames!Feel free to tell us your thoughts on our games and services usingthe contact methods listed below:E-mail: en@babybus.comWebsite: http://www.babybus.comFacebook:
Safety at Home
BabyBus Kids Games
In the eyes of our children the world is sonew and exciting that they want to explore all of its littlemysteries. Parents are happy about this enthusiasm but at the sametime worry about their children's safety. How can we make childrenbecome aware of safety risks?"Safety at Home" aims to address such concerns. The applicationdeals with different safety issues children encounter at home, suchas going down stairs, opening the door to strangers, slipping onthe floor, bumping on table corners etc. Each of these situationsis accompanied by animations and audio material helping themunderstand issues and learning about right behavior. The operationof the app is simple and child-friendly so kids can easily navigatethe different scenarios.Feature overview1. Scenarios: simulates life at home to teach children about 6major safety issues.2. Role playing: Children can play the role of the panda at home inorder to experience and understand the safety points.3. Didactic: animations and audio material comment on the behaviorto deepen their understanting and incentivize right behavior4. Information for parents: the app contains a“To Parents”sectionwith tips on how to create a safer living space for children.“Safety at home” is one app within the “Safety Series”whichincludes other themes such as safety outdoor, car safety etc.Currently there are new apps in development.___________▶design concepts:We focus on inspiration, not just learning.We focus on capacity-building, rather than a singlecognition.We focus on entertaining, rather than spoon-feeding teaching.Take the baby bus, which is loaded with a happy childhood!___________▶The series introduction:BabyBus is the first brand in early childhood educational software(field of mobile Internet), which is developed specifically forpreschoolers, and includes two series which are the Age(1-3) andthe Age(3-6). The series of the Age(1-3) combines the main conceptsof early childhood education for 1-3 year-old babies and covers thecognitive development, games, songs and other relevant categories.The applications of Age(1-3) are designed to train the baby’scognition ability and hand-eye coordination skills.Tips: In the search bar, enter ""BabyBus"" or "" sinyee"", to findall of our products.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.Feel free to tell us your thoughts on our games and servicesusing the contact methods listed below:E-mail: en@babybus.comWebsite: http://www.babybus.comFacebook:
Baby Panda Occupations
BabyBus Kids Games
Acquaint your children with some of the commonoccupations that will fascinate them while they learn about themeaningful functions they perform in our society. They will beginto understand how the services that others provide help to makepeople’s lives better and safer!Fun features:- Child-friendly scenes with dynamic gameplay- 12 common occupations to examine and practice- Island map layouts for a fun and easy exploration!Children always dream of possessing power to strengthen theirability, when this power exists all around them. The key lies inlearning and practicing. When children have the desire to offerhelp and the determination to do it well, we see leadership andfuture success! Ask them which job they liked the most and why!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learningWe focus on skill-buildingWe focus on bringing fun contents to our young audienceTake the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and 6.The educational series in the Prodigy Group combines the mainconcepts of early childhood education to meet the needs ofmastering different learning categories. The applications are aimedat the comprehensive and the analytic development inpreschoolers.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.Feel free to tell us your thoughts on our games and servicesusing the contact methods listed below:Facebook: en@babybus.comWebsite:
寶寶巴士大全 - 兒童、幼兒教育遊戲系列 1.7.6
BabyBus Kids Games
全球9000萬父母和寶寶最愛的寶寶巴士,現推出​​早教應用大全啦~120+精品早教應用,海量早教必備內容,盡在【寶寶巴士大全】! ~早教應用嚴格按年齡和知識點細分,科學認知,行為習慣,安全知識,藝術創造……寶寶該學的,適合學的,都在這裡;八大分類,完美覆蓋0-6歲寶寶學習點,構建完善早教知識體系框架,全方面提升寶寶軟實力!寶寶巴士大全,你口袋裡的早教專家!【部分精品介紹】啟蒙認知——寶寶幼兒園模擬幼兒園生活場景,幫助寶寶克服入園恐懼,盡在寶寶幼兒園!~幼兒園裡有各種好玩的室內玩具,酷炫的飛機,憨憨的機器人,還有可愛的小火車,各種新鮮有趣的益智互動,等寶寶自己來發現吧~適合年齡:2-6歲行為習慣——我愛吃飯靈感來源於一位媽媽對女兒不愛吃飯的擔心。我們用各種有趣互動,讓寶寶了解營養均衡的好處,改掉偏食挑食的壞習慣,愛上吃飯。適合年齡:3-6歲角色扮演——寶寶醫院最有愛的醫院遊戲,幫寶寶克服對醫院和醫生的恐懼,培養良好衛生習慣。寶寶巴士旗下兒童遊戲2-5歲精品,千萬不要錯過哦!適合年齡:3-6歲情商培養——照顧小寶寶陪小寶寶遊戲,逗他開心,餵他吃飯! ~讓孩子在照顧小奇奇的過程中,體會媽媽照顧寶寶的樂趣與艱辛,並學會關愛他人。適合年齡:2-6歲自然科學——恐龍樂園最適合寶寶的恐龍知識早教應用,精選各類有代表性的恐龍,情景模擬+圖鑑說明,輕鬆拓展寶寶知識面。適合年齡:4-6歲藝術創造——寶寶塗鴉讓寶寶的隨手塗鴉,變成有趣的東西,鍛煉寶寶的手部精細動作能力,讓寶寶盡情發揮藝術創意,激發想像力。適合年齡:1-3歲120多款早教精品,最有愛的早教大全~全球8000萬家庭的共同選擇,寶寶最愛的早教應用,盡在【寶寶巴士大全】!_________▶設計理念:寶寶巴士(BabyBus),專注啟蒙,而不僅僅是教育。我們專注於啟發,而不只是學習。我們專注於能力培養,而不只是單一認知。我們專注於寓教於樂,而不是填鴨式教學。寶寶巴士,快樂童年! 9000萬家庭的早教首選,您身邊的幼兒教育專家!PS:在搜索框裡面輸入“寶寶巴​​士”可以檢索到寶寶巴士(BabyBus)的所有產品。在寶寶巴士,我們自己也身為父母,所以非常重視兒童的健康和隱私。下載應用前,您可以從這裡閱讀我們的隱私政策:▶歡迎聯繫:微信:寶寶巴士微博:@寶寶巴士官網:http://www.babybus.com郵箱
BabyBus Kids Games
丰富儿歌,好听又好玩;花样繁多的点击组合,全方位锻炼宝宝节奏感;伴随宝宝每次正确点击,场景也有奇妙变化。点出小鸡,在田地上叽叽叫;点出房子,给房子刷上不同的颜色;点出星星,让漂亮的星星铺满天空……通过节奏来学习儿歌,是宝宝学习音乐时最自然、最容易接受的一种方式。从小培养宝宝的节奏感,不仅能帮助TA打好音乐基础,对宝宝的整体协调能力也有很大帮助。想锻炼宝宝节奏感,让宝贝成为下一个“节奏大师”吗?那就快用【儿歌点点唱】吧!_________▶设计理念:我们专注于启发,而不只是学习。我们专注于能力培养,而不只是单一认知。我们专注于寓教于乐,而不是填鸭式教学。宝宝巴士,快乐童年!_________▶关于我们:宝宝巴士(BabyBus),专注启蒙,而不仅仅是教育。我们的产品包含了启蒙站和探索站两个系列。探索站系列结合3-6岁宝宝的早教重点,设计了百科馆、智力园、文化宫等类别,旨在开发宝宝百科、音乐、美术等全面认知能力和左右脑思维分析能力。PS:在搜索框里面输入BabyBus或“宝宝巴士”可以检索到宝宝巴士(BabyBus)的所有产品。_________▶欢迎联系:微信:宝宝巴士微博:官网:http://www.babybus.com邮箱:ser@babybus.com在宝宝巴士,我们自己也身为父母,所以非常重视儿童的健康和隐私。下载应用前,您可以从这里阅读我们的隐私政策: songs, nice andfun;Click on a great variety of combinations, all-round exercise yourbaby a sense of rhythm;With the baby every correct click, the scene there are wonderfulchanges.Point out the chick in the field squeak;Point out the house, to house a different color on the brush;Point out the stars, so beautiful stars covered the sky ......By paced learning songs, learning music when the baby the mostnatural, the most acceptable way. Childhood develop your baby'ssense of rhythm, not only can help to lay the musical foundationTA, the overall coordination of the baby is also a great help.Want to exercise your baby a sense of rhythm, let the baby bethe next "Rhythm Master" it?Then little sing fast songs with [it]!_________▶ design concepts:We focus on inspiration, not just learning.We focus on capacity-building, rather than a singlecognition.We focus on entertaining, rather than spoon.Baby bus, happy childhood!_________▶ About Us:Baby Bus (BabyBus), focused on enlightenment, not just education.Our products include enlightenment station and explore the stationtwo series. Explore the station series combines 3-6 years old babyearly education focused design encyclopedia Museum, intellectualPark, Palace of Culture and other categories, aimed at developingbaby Wikipedia, music, art and other comprehensive cognitive andanalytical skills left and right brain thinking.PS: Enter BabyBus or "Baby Bus" in the search box to retrievethe baby inside the bus (BabyBus) for all products._________▶ please contact:Micro letter: Baby BusMicroblogging: http: // website: http: //www.babybus.comE-mail: ser@babybus.comIn the baby bus, we ourselves as parents, attaches great importanceto health and privacy of children. Before downloading theapplication, you can read our privacy policy from here:
Hidden Monsters Universe
BabyBus Kids Games
Are you ready for a new panda adventure withyour favorite monsters? Welcome to Hidden Monsters Universe! Anincredible paradise of little monsters hiding everywhere! Colourfulscenarios, food, clothes, cars, balloons and wonderful surprises.Touch everywhere to see what happens! Join our Panda Games and playwith us!Hidden Monsters Universe is a concentration game for kids wherethe goal is to find little monsters playing hide and seek.Fun features:- Find cute monsters- With funny and lovely characters- With colourful scenarios!With this interactive app, your children will improve theirconcentration and develop problem-solving skills. Let’s play withour friends!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learning.We focus on skill-building.We focus on bringing fun contents to our young audience.Take the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:BabyBus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and 6.The educational series in the Starter Group pursuits earlylearning by introducing games and songs tailored to your tots. Theapplications are aimed at improving their hand-eye coordination andnurturing their creativity from an early age.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.Contact us:Facebook: en@babybus.comWebsite:
Guess the Painting
BabyBus Kids Games
Guess the Painting is a drawing and guessinggame designed for family entertainment. It offers a color-richenvironment for children to draw and parents to guess, while thewhole family build new communication skills through the gameplay.Fun features:- Big drawing board to let creativity run wild- Multiplayer modes for all types of fun- Watch the replay and view each stroke by a true artist!A picture is worth a thousand words, and children can use it toexpress their voice whenever their words may fall short. See howmuch you can learn from guessing their paintings. They will lovethe time spent while they stay in touch with their artisticside!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learningWe focus on skill-buildingWe focus on bringing fun contents to our young audienceTake the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and 6.The educational series in the Starter Group pursuits earlylearning by introducing games and songs tailored to your tots. Theapplications are aimed at improving their hand-eye coordination andnurturing their creativity from an early age.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.Feel free to tell us your thoughts on our games and servicesusing the contact methods listed below:E-mail: en@babybus.comWebsite: http://www.babybus.comFacebook:
The Solar System - For kids
BabyBus Kids Games
Make the learning of our solar system anexciting exploration for children. With our newest 3D game engine,they are able to see the planets in many cool ways! Learn about thesun and its eight beautiful planets!Fun features:- Surface discoveries with 3D imaging;- Digital orrery with personified planets;- Filled with mini games for the extra play!Learning about our planets can be a lot of fun! So much space toexplore and learn. With personified planets and their uniquecharacteristics, your children will be acquainted with them in notime. Set learning in motion!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learning;We focus on skill-building;We focus on bringing fun contents to our young audience;Take the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and6.The educational series in the Prodigy Group combines the mainconcepts of early childhood education to meet the needs ofmastering different learning categories. The applications are aimedat the comprehensive and the analytic development inpreschoolers.Tips: In the search bar, enter ""BabyBus"" to find all of ourproducts.Contact us:E-mail: ser@babybus.comWebsite: http://www.babybus.comFacebook:
Addition - Learn Math for Free
BabyBus Kids Games
Help Kiki, our little panda, and the orangutancross the river with numbers and addition! Learn math and have funin this amazing game free for kids!Fun features:- Arranging wooden blocks in numerical order to make the littlepanda happy!- Play with a scale to balance adding numbers- Add up the bananas for our anxious orangutan! Learn math with himand our panda!See what else your arithmetic skills can do for the cute panda,Kiki, and the orangutan! Such as helping them gather their favoritefood to eat. Don’t keep them waiting for too long! Let’s get thefun started! Play this game for kids and join this wonderfuladventure full of numbers!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learningWe focus on skill-buildingWe focus on bringing fun contents to our young audienceTake the baby bus for an unique learning experience!Play our games for free! Children all around the world will lovethem!Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.Feel free to tell us your thoughts on our games and servicesusing the contact methods listed below:Facebook: en@babybus.comWebsite:
Memory in Action by BabyBus
BabyBus Kids Games
Memory in Action allows you to playinteractive games with your children while challenging them withDIY puzzles. You will meet many of our animated characters alongthe way!Fun features:- Memory learning with cute animations;- Entertaining little games:  - Sorting out the extra fruits;  - Replacing the missing veggies;  - Line up animal friends to ride the bus;  - Helping the troubled frogs to a family reunion;- Choose the single player mode or the multiplayer mode for a wholefamily fun!See how well your children record a piece of information that youprovided and have them use it to solve simple puzzles. A great wayto stimulate their working memory and build confidence in learning!This app is fun and responsive!___________- Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learning;We focus on skill-building;We focus on bringing fun contents to our young audience;Take the baby bus for an unique learning experience!___________- The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and 6. Theeducational series in the Starter Group pursuits early learning byintroducing games and songs tailored to your tots. The applicationsare aimed at improving their hand-eye coordination and nurturingtheir creativity from an early age.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.As parents ourselves, we at BabyBus take great importance on thechildren's privacy and health. Before you download our app, pleaseread our privacy statement here. Contact us:E-mail: ser@baby-bus.comwebsite:
My Graffiti by babybus
BabyBus Kids Games
Turn your drawings to life with funanimations. See the lines in action!Fun features- Draw anything anywhere;- Lively effects and sounds;- Endless game mode, endless play!Let your children design their own roads or conduct their ownband with the lines they draw. They can even make noodles for ourhungry Panda and take care of him. Make your graffiti a livelygraffiti!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learning;We focus on skill-building;We focus on bringing fun contents to our young audience;Take the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and 6.The educational series in the Starter Group pursuits earlylearning by introducing games and songs tailored to your tots. Theapplications are aimed at improving their hand-eye coordination andnurturing their creativity from an early age.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.Contact us:E-mail: ser@baby-bus.comWebsite:
Daily Necessities by BabyBus
BabyBus Kids Games
There are 7 game levels, cognition cards withdozens of daily necessities, cartoon scenes. It is so nice and cutethat the babies can not stop playing it. Let’s start the DailyNecessities soon.The little panda lives in a nice house. Everything is wonderfulin his opinion. Such as: the striking clock, the bath with bubble,the cooking aprons, the lighter...There are lots of daily necessities hidden in panda’s house.Come on! Let’s start the “Game” plot and find them now.The “List” of game also sets the cute pictures and the standardvoice to help baby easily learn the daily necessities one byone.___________▶design concepts:We focus on inspiration, not just learning.We focus on capacity-building, rather than a singlecognition.We focus on entertaining, rather than spoon-feeding teaching.Take the baby bus, which is loaded with a happy childhood!___________▶The series introduction:BabyBus is the first brand in early childhood educational software(field of mobile Internet), which is developed specifically forpreschoolers, and includes two series which are the Age(1-3) andthe Age(3-6). The series of the Age(3-6) combines the main conceptsof early childhood education for 3-6 year-old babies and covers theCognition Pavilion, Brain Training, Art Center and other relevantcategories, the applications of Age(3-6) are aimed at thedevelopment of the comprehensive cognitive abilities of the baby’spedia, music, art, and the analytical thinking capabilities of theleft and right brain.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" or " sinyee", to findall of our products.PS: We have English, Chinese and Japanese 3 versions for our apps,the apps will adapte automatically according to your devicelanguage setting.▶The corresponding Korean language version is available fordownloading.Korean version link: parents ourselves, we at BabyBus take great importance on thechildren's privacy and health. Before you download our app, pleaseread our privacy statement here.▶Welcome to contact us on:Facebook: en@babybus.comWebsite: http://www.babybus.comtwitter:
Dr. Jungle - Animal Dentistry
BabyBus Kids Games
Welcome to Dr. Jungle’s dental clinic, theclinic of the jungle! All these amazing and wild animals havesomething in common: Dental problems! Do you dare to help? Becomethe best animal dentist ever with this game for kids!Tooth decay or cavities, tooth erosion, unattractive smile...Monkeys, crocodiles, mouses and so much fun in this game forchildren!You are the boss! You choose who is the dentist today! Maybe Dr.Mantis Jungle is good choice! Perhaps Dr. Spider Jungle could help!Of course Dr. Hummingbird is a great option too! You decide! Yourule!Play Dr. Jungle, Animal Dentistry, and learn how important ahappy smile is!_______★Design concepts★We focus on inspirational learning;We focus on skill-building;We focus on bringing fun contents to our young audience;Take the baby bus for an unique learning experience!Play our educational games for kids!_______Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts_______Contact us:E-mail: en@babybus.comWebsite: http://www.babybus.comFacebook:
Around the Clock
BabyBus Kids Games
Time telling may not be one of children’snatural abilities, but there are easy ways to teach them theconcept without spoiling the fun. We are here to make theconnection with time, routines, and play!Fun features:- Be a clockmaker and assemble your own clocks- Repair broken clocks and and see them back in action- Take on time telling challenges with the knowledge youpossess!Most parents recognize but often neglect their children’sability to register patterns and routines. In Time Telling Fun,children will have hands on experience with our playful clockswhile they relate the concept of time with their daily routines. Wewill make time telling a fun exercise for children!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learningWe focus on skill-buildingWe focus on bringing fun contents to our young audienceTake the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and 6.The educational series in the Prodigy Group combines the mainconcepts of early childhood education to meet the needs ofmastering different learning categories. The applications are aimedat the comprehensive and the analytic development inpreschoolers.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.Feel free to tell us your thoughts on our games and servicesusing the contact methods listed below:Facebook: en@babybus.comWebsite:
Little Musician
BabyBus Kids Games
Children like to hear melodies and tunes. Havethem take the stage and produce melodies of their own!Fun features:- Play a 7-note piano;- Practice percussions;- Play along with music!Music helps children develop a sense of rhythm and beats. Seehow much fun they will have when they play with the sound ofmusic!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learning;We focus on skill-building;We focus on bringing fun contents to our young audience;Take the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and 6.The educational series in the Starter Group pursuits earlylearning by introducing games and songs tailored to your tots. Theapplications are aimed at improving their hand-eye coordination andnurturing their creativity from an early age.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.Contact us:E-mail: en@babybus.comWebsite: http://www.babybus.comFacebook:
Baby Rock by BabyBus
BabyBus Kids Games
Let's Rock by BabyBus is an adorable, musicaland playful app filled with engaging tunes and activities forbabies and toddlers. It incorporates visual interactions while thesoothing melodies play uninterrupted. Familiarize your childrenwith the sound of music while making it a fun hobby!Fun activities:- Plant colorful flowers- Make soap bubbles- Go fruit picking- Send the dandelions flying- Bring out the glowing butterflies!Hearing musical tunes is a soothing exercise to help babiesrelax. At times, it bring our babies into focus while buildingconfidence to sing and dance. It is an important part of a babiesdevelopment as they learn to anticipate sounds and recognizepatterns.-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learningWe focus on skill-buildingWe focus on bringing fun contents to our young audienceTake the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and 6.The educational series in the Starter Group pursuits earlylearning by introducing games and songs tailored to your tots. Theapplications are aimed at improving their hand-eye coordination andnurturing their creativity from an early age.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.Feel free to tell us your thoughts on our games and servicesusing the contact methods listed below:E-mail: en@babybus.comWebsite: http://www.babybus.comFacebook:
Baby Panda Show
BabyBus Kids Games
New "Baby Show" Updates!1. New scenes: Spring, summer, autumn and winter scenes received amakeover.2. New feature: Take a real-time picture of your child with Kikiand Miumiu.3. New contents: New clothing items and nifty accessoriesadded.4. New audio: Dress up the little pandas while learning the namesof clothing items and accessories.5. The bug that hindered clothe-changing has been fixed.Dress up the pandas any way you like as long as their clothes matchthe season! You can choose from a wide selection of clothes andaccessories: colorful shirts, funky hats, stylish gloves and manymore.Here, you will learn about the different types of clothes and howto match them to fit the season. Let's get started now and dress upthe little pandas!___________Design Concepts:We focus on the learning and capacity-building of children.Board the Baby Bus for the fun and excitement of learning! It'swhere education meets digital entertainment!___________About BabyBus:BabyBus is the first brand in early childhood educational softwares(field of mobile Internet), which are developed specifically forpreschoolers. The series are divided into two age groups, ages 1 to3 and ages 3 to 6 . The toddlers will combine the main concepts ofearly childhood awarenesses through games, songs and activities.For older children, an emphysis is placed on comprehension,reasoning, and hand-eye coordination.Tips: Enter "BabyBus" in the search bar to find all of ourproducts.As parents ourselves, we at BabyBus take great importance on thechildren's privacy and health. Before you download our app, pleaseread our privacy statement here. en@babybus.comWebsite:
Size Color Shape
BabyBus Kids Games
Sensory development accelerates in toddlersbetween the age of 1 and 2. It is the ideal time to expose them todifferent items that will strengthen their perception of everythingthey see around them, starting with sizes, colors and shapes!Fun features:- Learn simple vocabulary through playful interactions;- Watch the lively animation with everything you touch;- Play guessing games and receive positive feedbacks!This app is tailored for toddlers to compare and relate the itemsthey see in terms of size, color and shape. They will learn todifferentiate items and build confidence to express theirpreferences. See the results with BabyBus!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learning;We focus on skill-building;We focus on bringing fun contents to our young audience;Take the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and6.The educational series in the Starter Group pursuits early learningby introducing games and songs tailored to your tots. Theapplications are aimed at improving their hand-eye coordination andnurturing their creativity from an early age.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.As parents ourselves, we at BabyBus take great importance on thechildren's privacy and health. Before you download our app, pleaseread our privacy statement here. us:Facebook: en@babybus.comWebsite:
Tell the Difference - For kids
BabyBus Kids Games
Red, yellow or blue? Big or small? There aremany types of monsters in this wonderful world. Learn todifferentiate colors, sizes and shapes with us!Fun features:- Great activities for your preschoolers;- Differentiate colors, sizes and shapes;- Notice how items are alike and different!Sorting games help develop pre-math and pre-reading skills.Moreover, sorting activities can be used to teach organization at ayoung age. This game has great animations and sounds to keeplearning fun! Let’s work together!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learningWe focus on skill-buildingWe focus on bringing fun contents to our young audienceTake the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and 6.The educational series in the Prodigy Group combines the mainconcepts of early childhood education to meet the needs ofmastering different learning categories. The applications are aimedat the comprehensive and the analytic development inpreschoolers.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.Feel free to tell us your thoughts on our games and servicesusing the contact methods listed below:E-mail: en@babybus.comWebsite:
漢字家園-學前教育-寶寶巴士 8.7.01
BabyBus Kids Games
Surprise Eggs - Free for kids
BabyBus Kids Games
Become creative with decorating eggs. You cancolor them, stain them, and watch them hatch! Surprise Eggs is theperfect game for children! See what’s inside!Fun features:- Play with beautiful colors- Decor patterns and shapes;- Learn to stain a holiday egg;Let your children decor their eggs. They will create an unique oneevery time they play! Egg decorating is fun, interactive and socute!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learning;We focus on skill-building;We focus on bringing fun contents to our young audience;Take the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and6.The educational series in the Starter Group pursuits early learningby introducing games and songs tailored to your tots. Theapplications are aimed at improving their hand-eye coordination andnurturing their creativity from an early age.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.As parents ourselves, we at BabyBus take great importance on thechildren's privacy and health. Before you download our app, pleaseread our privacy statement here. us:Facebook: en@babybus.comWebsite:
Creative Tangram
BabyBus Kids Games
Put together all the different shapes intosomething colorful, meaningful, and fun. You can make a number, arabbit, and even a flying helicopter. The possibilities areendless. See what objects you can create using all the simpleshapes!Fun features:- Use colorful shapes to piece together an image;- 30 fun levels with unique puzzles to match and play;- Open-ended gameplay for an infinite amount of fun!Use as many shapes you like to make a creative design, and seehow it turns out. The result may surprise you or delight you. Wemake designing and engineering a fun project for kids!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learning;We focus on skill-building;We focus on bringing fun contents to our young audience;Take the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and 6.The educational series in the Prodigy Group combines the mainconcepts of early childhood education to meet the needs ofmastering different learning categories. The applications are aimedat the comprehensive and the analytic development inpreschoolers.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.As parents ourselves, we at BabyBus take great importance on thechildren's privacy and health. Before you download our app, pleaseread our privacy statement here. us:Facebook: en@babybus.comWebsite:
Clothing Quality - for kids
BabyBus Kids Games
A perfect activity for children to learn theprocess of making fine clothes to wear. The process is long, butnonetheless making fine clothes to wear is fun for children of allages!Fun features:- Remove bad cotton from the clothes;- Treat bad odor;- Check for flaws!There are many clothing items to be made and it is your job to makesure that they are up to standard for babies to wear. Theresponsibility is on you to make a full inspection. Your babieshappiness count on it! Join our panda games! Play with us!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learning;We focus on skill-building;We focus on bringing fun contents to our young audience;Take the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and6.The educational series in the Prodigy Group combines the mainconcepts of early childhood education to meet the needs ofmastering different learning categories. The applications are aimedat the comprehensive and the analytic development inpreschoolers.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.Contact us:E-mail: en@babybus.comWebsite: http://www.babybus.comFacebook:
Funny Contrasts -Free for kids
BabyBus Kids Games
Preschoolers aged 3 to 6 begin to build up afairly extensive vocabulary, even including certain morecomplicated words. The “Funny Contrasts” app contains livelyscenes, elements from fairy tales and vivid animations toillustrate pairs of antonyms. This way children understand andmemorize them effortlessly and learn an even wider vocabulary.- 10 interactive scenes- gameplay adapted to children’s preference- helps kids become familiar with several fairy tales- vivid animations and lively sounds___________▶design concepts:We focus on inspiration, not just learning.We focus on capacity-building, rather than a singlecognition.We focus on entertaining, rather than spoon-feeding teaching.Take the baby bus, which is loaded with a happy childhood!___________▶The series introduction:BabyBus is the first brand in early childhood educational software(field of mobile Internet), which is developed specifically forpreschoolers, and includes two series which are the Age(1-3) andthe Age(3-6). The series of the Age(3-6) combines the main conceptsof early childhood education for 3-6 year-old babies and covers theCognition Pavilion, Brain Training, Art Center and other relevantcategories, the applications of Age(3-6) are aimed at thedevelopment of the comprehensive cognitive abilities of the baby’spedia, music, art, and the analytical thinking capabilities of theleft and right brain.▶The corresponding Korean language version is available fordownloading.Korean version link: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" or " sinyee", to findall of our products.As parents ourselves, we at BabyBus take great importance on thechildren's privacy and health. Before you download our app, pleaseread our privacy statement here.▶Welcome to contact us on:Facebook: en@babybus.comWebsite:
Little Baby's Toothbrush
BabyBus Kids Games
My Little Toothbrush teaches your children theproper brushing techniques. More importantly, this app is designedto help children form a habit of brushing and maintaining theirhealthy teeth. Let them sing along with the toothbrush song!Fun features:- Sing the teeth brushing song- Play and practice techniques- Cheer on friends and see great results!Children often think of brushing their teeth as a task ratherthan a habit. They tried it out and stopped. With this app, youwill see them form the habit and fall in love with it. Play it andstart brushing!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learning.We focus on skill-building.We focus on bringing fun contents to our young audience.Take the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:BabyBus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and 6.The educational series in the Starter Group pursuits earlylearning by introducing games and songs tailored to your tots. Theapplications are aimed at improving their hand-eye coordination andnurturing their creativity from an early age.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.Contact us:Facebook: en@babybus.comWebsite:
Baby Panda's Flower Garden
BabyBus Kids Games
Welcome to the most beautiful garden in theworld! And, it is beautiful, because you and the little panda arethe gardeners! Your own flower garden is waiting for you. Have youever dreamed a flower garden like this? Now it is possible with“Baby Panda´s Flower Garden”. Let's play together and develop yourimagination!Peonies, roses, tulips, carnation and 17 more flowers. Learntheir cute names, amazing characteristics and exotics origins.Children will learn to recognize flowers with their favorite panda.They will love it! Let kids discover this wonderful world. Play andjoin the fun with Baby Panda´s Flower Garden! Where your little kidwill become a great gardener.___________▶Design concepts:We focus on inspiration, not just learning.We focus on capacity-building, rather than a singlecognition.We focus on entertaining, rather than spoon-feeding teaching.Take the baby bus, which is loaded with a happy childhood!___________▶The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhoodeducational software. The mobile applications are designed anddeveloped specifically for preschoolers, and they are divided intotwo groups by age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the agesof 1 and 3 and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3and 6.The educational series in the Prodigy Group combines the mainconcepts of early childhood education to meet the needs ofmastering different learning categories. The applications are aimedat the comprehensive and the analytic development inpreschoolers.___________▶Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.Feel free to tell us your thoughts on our games and servicesusing the contact methods listed below:E-mail: en@babybus.comWebsite: http://www.babybus.comFacebook:
Night and Day - Panda Game
BabyBus Kids Games
Choose between night and day and look for thechanges all around you! What happens to the sun and the moon? Whichanimals sleep at night, and which ones become active? And how tomake the flowers grow? The fun and interactive design of this appteaches kids about the changes between night and day and encouragestheir curiosity about nature!Fun features:- Fully interactive gameplay;- Entertaining little games:  - Wake up the sleepy heads;  - Make the cute birds sing;  - Color the pretty butterfly;  - Seek out the nocturnal animals in the dark;  - Connect the stars to form constellations;  - and many more;- Learn the names of different playful animals and colorfulflowers.___________- Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learning;We focus on skill-building;We focus on bringing fun contents to our young audience;Take the baby bus for an unique learning experience!___________- The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages 1 and 3 andthe Prodigy Group for children between the ages 3 and 6. Theeducational series in the Prodigy Group combines the main conceptsof early childhood education to meet the needs of masteringdifferent learning categories. The applications are aimed at thecomprehensive and the analytic development in younger children.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.As parents ourselves, we at BabyBus take great importance on thechildren's privacy and health. Before you download our app, pleaseread our privacy statement here. Contact us:Facebook: en@babybus.comWebsite:
Rescue the Fish
BabyBus Kids Games
"Rescue the Fishes" has been fullyupdated!- 6 new underwater worlds to discover, each with an increasingdegree of difficulty - More than 10 kinds of cute marine animals with uniquecharacteristics and different capabilities.- Many kinds of props, which help the little ones in theirunderwater adventure.The fishes are trapped in bubbles. With a tap you can set themfree. But be careful not to touch the bomb, or you will lose onelife! The naughty octopus will hinder you in your mission while theelectric eel is going to help you out.You get extra points for every fish that you rescue. When you reacha certain score you go up one level. Each level features a uniquegame scene as well as different kinds of fish and challenges.The funny game mode, and easy operation train your children'sdexterity. The lively music and wonderful underwater scenes willimmediately arouse their interest.Come on, let's give it a try!___________▶design concepts:We focus on inspiration, not just learning.We focus on capacity-building, rather than a singlecognition.We focus on entertaining, rather than spoon-feeding teaching.Take the baby bus, which is loaded with a happy childhood!___________▶The series introduction:BabyBus is the first brand in early childhood educational software(field of mobile Internet), which is developed specifically forpreschoolers, and includes two series which are the Age(1-3) andthe Age(3-6). The series of the Age(1-3) combines the main conceptsof early childhood education for 1-3 year-old babies and covers thecognitive development, games, songs and other relevant categories.The applications of Age(1-3) are designed to train the baby’scognition ability and hand-eye coordination skills.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" or " sinyee", to find allof our products.▶The corresponding Korean language version is available fordownloading.Korean version link: parents ourselves, we at BabyBus take great importance on thechildren's privacy and health. Before you download our app, pleaseread our privacy statement here.▶Welcome to contact us on:Facebook: en@babybus.comWebsite:
Orderly Adventure - Panda Game
BabyBus Kids Games
Begin a journey with Kiki, the little panda,and friends to set order in a magical world of witches and spells.Guide them through the challenges they face. Maybe you can helpthem find their way home! Play this lovely game free forkids!Fun features:- Help the cute panda place items from short to tall and small tobig;- Match up pairs of equal size, length and number;- Learn to put things in a nice and orderly way with your favoritepanda!In their orderly adventure, Kiki and his friends will meet manyhardships. The powerful spells of the wicked witch turn the worldinto chaos and disorder. Will they overcome these tough challengesand return home safe and sound? Help the while you learn for free!Play this educational game for kids!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learning;We focus on skill-building;We focus on bringing fun contents to our young audience;Take the baby bus for an unique learning experience!-- -- --The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developed forpreschoolers, and they are divided into two groups by age, theStarter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3 and theProdigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and 6.The educational series in the Prodigy Group combines the mainconcepts of early childhood education to meet the needs ofmastering different learning categories. The applications are aimedat the comprehensive and the analytic development inpreschoolers.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.As parents ourselves, we at BabyBus take great importance on thechildren's privacy and health. Before you download our app, pleaseread our privacy statement here. us:Facebook: en@babybus.comWebsite:
Connect Numbers
BabyBus Kids Games
Easy to learn the numbers and enjoy the fun!The numbers of 1-10 are quite easy for children aged 3 to 4 tomaster. Tasks requiring fine motoric skills, however, are fairlydifficult for them. This app brings those 2 aspects together: kidsconnect different numbers one by one to form different objects.This will help them strengthen their coordination ability and willreward their efforts with a sense of achievement, and make themlove learning numbers.___________▶design concepts:We focus on inspiration, not just learning.We focus on capacity-building, rather than a singlecognition.We focus on entertaining, rather than spoon-feeding teaching.Take the baby bus, which is loaded with a happy childhood!___________▶The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first brand in early childhood educational software(field of mobile Internet), which is developed specifically forpreschoolers, and includes two series which are the Age(1-3) andthe Age(3-6). The series of the Age(3-6) combines the main conceptsof early childhood education for 3-6 year-old babies and covers theCognition Pavilion, Brain Training, Art Center and other relevantcategories, the applications of Age(3-6) are aimed at thedevelopment of the comprehensive cognitive abilities of the baby’spedia, music, art, and the analytical thinking capabilities of theleft and right brain.▶The corresponding Korean language version is available fordownloading.Korean version link: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" or " sinyee", to findall of our products.As parents ourselves, we at BabyBus take great importance on thechildren's privacy and health. Before you download our app, pleaseread our privacy statement here.▶Welcome to contact us on:Facebook: en@babybus.comWebsite:
Moon Explorer: Panda Astronaut
BabyBus Kids Games
Traveling to the moon may be a far fetchedconcept for our children at the present age and time. There is,however, a more suitable approach to give them a tiny taste ofspace travel by having them take on the role of an astronaut. Theycan experience the fun and joy of the moon landing! Come and checkout our newest roleplaying game on moon exploration!Fun features:- Take on different roles and tasks- Play interactive games to solve challenging problems- Walk on the moon and plant a flag like our hero NeilArmstrong!We are counting down the final hour before our rocket isscheduled for launch. We are sending you to the moon. What a funand exciting day it is for all of us! Are you ready, our youngcommander, for the challenges ahead? Let the adventures begin!What children know comes from life and game. Roleplayingactivities incorporate these two aspects into one fun experience tobecome a key part of learning and understanding the world they see.Take on the role! Learning is simple and fun!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learningWe focus on skill-buildingWe focus on bringing fun contents to our young audienceTake the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:BabyBus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and 6.The educational series in the Prodigy Group combines the mainconcepts of early childhood education to meet the needs ofmastering different learning categories. The applications are aimedat the comprehensive and the analytic development inpreschoolers.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.Feel free to tell us your thoughts on our games and servicesusing the contact methods listed below:Facebook: en@babybus.comWebsite:
Reasoning Genius - Panda Games
BabyBus Kids Games
Children have a good idea of the things thatgo together and things that don’t. Let them offer their conclusionsto the matches!Fun features:- 30 levels of reasoning fun;- Lively effects and sounds;-With a friendly voice companion!Matching is a fun activity, and children can often make thecorrect matches of the things they see. See how well they match thefun items in this app!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learning;We focus on skill-building;We focus on bringing fun contents to our young audience;Take the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and 6.The educational series in the Prodigy Group combines the mainconcepts of early childhood education to meet the needs ofmastering different learning categories. The applications are aimedat the comprehensive and the analytic development inpreschoolers.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.Contact us:E-mail: en@babybus.comWebsite: http://www.babybus.comFacebook:
Baby Moving Bubbles
BabyBus Kids Games
Practice logic reasoning skill with BabyMoving Bubbles by BabyBus. This app asks your children to plan andthink before they make a move in the game. See their strategies inplay!Fun features:- Animated game pieces and effects;- Move bubbles any way you like;- Lovely tunes and sound!Use the reference on the left, to guide you through the game.There are many levels to play! Challenge yourself!-- -- -- ;Take the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:Baby Bus applications are designed and developed specifically forpreschoolers, and they are divided into two groups by age, theStarter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3 and theProdigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and 6.The educational series in the Prodigy Group combines the mainconcepts of early childhood education to meet the needs ofmastering different learning categories. The applications are aimedat the comprehensive and the analytic development inpreschoolers.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.Contact us:E-mail: en@babybus.comWebsite: http://www.babybus.comFacebook:
My Music Box Quiz
BabyBus Kids Games
Welcome to a world of sounds! Do you know whatsound each animal makes? Can you identify the musical instrumentsby listening to their sound? Play this educational game for babieswhere the learning experience is amazing!Fun features:- Listen! Musical instruments to identify: piano,guitar...- Guess! Cute animals: dog, frog... What sound does each onemake?- Win! Much more to discover with "My Music Box Quiz".Let play and have fun together! Babies will love this game fullof sounds,music,animals,instruments,vehicles and colors! Listen,guess and win! Sound discrimination is very important to earlyreaders and writers. Play and learn with Babybus! This educationalgame has been designed for babies 6 months and up._________Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learning;We focus on skill-building;We focus on bringing fun contents to our young audience;Take the baby bus for an unique learning experience!_________Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.Contact us:Facebook: en@babybus.comWebsite:
Outdoor Play - Free for kids
BabyBus Kids Games
Meet Kiki for the first time in 3D! He istrying out a number of outdoor activities for an upcoming 3D party.Check out what he has planned so far!Fun features:- Fully interactive 3D gameplay;- Entertaining little games:  - Bouncing on the trampoline;  - Flying with a toy propeller;  - Rope jumping with friends;  - Hurdling great distances with speed;  - and more;- Explore Kiki’s backyard!When the weather condition prohibits outdoor play, you canalways have you children play the outdoor activities they love frominside the house. This interactive app allows them to explore a newenvironment, develop coordination, and gain self-confidence. Don’tmiss out on any of the Fun!We will soon release more adorable characters for your childrenin the wonderful 3D world of Kiki and friends!___________- Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learning;We focus on skill-building;We focus on bringing fun contents to our young audience;Take the baby bus for an unique learning experience!___________- The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and 6. Theeducational series in the Prodigy Group combines the main conceptsof early childhood education to meet the needs of masteringdifferent learning categories. The applications are aimed at thecomprehensive and the analytic development in younger children.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.As parents ourselves, we at BabyBus take great importance on thechildren's privacy and health. Before you download our app, pleaseread our privacy statement here. Contact us:Facebook: en@babybus.comWebsite:
Insects by BabyBus
BabyBus Kids Games
Do you like insects? Do you know where theylive? Do you know how they look when they are young? Please come toour Paradise of Insects to build your own insect’s kingdom.●To adopt some insects that you like.There are a lot of insect babies which are waiting for you toadopt, Such as the little bee, the little ant and the littlecaterpillar. Wow, they can tell their names when you click on thesubtitles. Let's recognize them, feed them and have fun withthem!●To build up your own insects paradise.When the insects are grown up, you need to put them into theirpark. There are the underground cave, honeycomb, trees, flowers...Each insect can find its own home here. (PS: Turn off the lightsince there is a surprise waiting for you)●To show your insects kingdom.How cute are the insect babies! How beautiful is the paradise ofinsects! Please click on the "photo" button to share them with yourfriends by email.___________▶design concepts:We focus on inspiration, not just learning.We focus on capacity-building, rather than a singlecognition.We focus on entertaining, rather than spoon-feeding teaching.Take the baby bus, which is loaded with a happy childhood!___________▶The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first brand in early childhood educational software(field of mobile Internet), which is developed specifically forpreschoolers, and includes two series which are the Age(1-3) andthe Age(3-6). The series of the Age(3-6) combines the main conceptsof early childhood education for 3-6 year-old babies and covers theCognition Pavilion, Brain Training, Art Center and other relevantcategories, the applications of Age(3-6) are aimed at thedevelopment of the comprehensive cognitive abilities of the baby’spedia, music, art, and the analytical thinking capabilities of theleft and right brain.▶The corresponding Korean language version is available fordownloading.Korean version link: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" or " sinyee", to find allof our products.As parents ourselves, we at BabyBus take great importance on thechildren's privacy and health. Before you download our app, pleaseread our privacy statement here.▶Welcome to contact us on:Facebook: en@babybus.comWebsite: http://www.babybus.comtwitter:
Fun Fruit - Game for kids
BabyBus Kids Games
Sweet, delicious fruit is among children’sfavorite healthy snacks, and it is important for them to learn thenames of different fruit they like and the way they were grown.Come and check out our garden!Fun features:- Learn fruit names and enjoy the show- Quench flying fruit projected into the sky- Take memory challenge and match them up!Learn the different fruit from all over the world, and see themcome alive in this fun fruit app. Give your children another reasonto like fruit!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learningWe focus on skill-buildingWe focus on bringing fun contents to our young audienceTake the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and 6.The educational series in the Starter Group pursuits earlylearning by introducing games and songs tailored to your tots. Theapplications are aimed at improving their hand-eye coordination andnurturing their creativity from an early age.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.Feel free to tell us your thoughts on our games and servicesusing the contact methods listed below:Facebook: en@babybus.comWebsite:
Dot Magic - Free for kids
BabyBus Kids Games
Set all the fun shapes to life by addingmagical dots. Add any many dots as you like and watch theirexciting effects. The easy operations make this app the perfectgame for your toddlers!Fun features:- Tap for magical effects and sounds;- Slide to connect an adventurous story;- Full of interactions and surprises for tots!Tapping and sliding are toddlers favorite play, and we areincorporating these elements into our game to bring them lots offun. Play with them and see them enjoying their play with dots andlines!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learning;We focus on skill-building;We focus on bringing fun contents to our young audience;Take the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and6.The educational series in the Starter Group pursuits early learningby introducing games and songs tailored to your tots. Theapplications are aimed at improving their hand-eye coordination andnurturing their creativity from an early age.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.As parents ourselves, we at BabyBus take great importance on thechildren's privacy and health. Before you download our app, pleaseread our privacy statement here. us:Facebook: en@babybus.comWebsite:
Baby Learns Pairs - BabyBus
BabyBus Kids Games
Baby learns pairs 1: elaborate scenes design,simple game play, rich incentive effects and the participation ofvariety of animals, is a well-designed puzzle game for the 0-3year-old babies, to train your baby's judgment ability, colormatching capability for more detailed observation in daily lifethat makes your baby more responsive.The game is divided into three scenes: Color matching, Foodmatching and Tail seeking.Color matching: identify the color which matches the coloravailable in the scene.Food matching: what do animals like to eat? Let’s go findout!Tail seeking: the tail of our little animal was gone, come on buddylet’s go help the little animal to get his tail back!★★★★★★★Products of BabyBus★★★★★★★___________▶design concepts:We focus on inspiration, not just learning.We focus on capacity-building, rather than a singlecognition.We focus on entertaining, rather than spoon-feeding teaching.Take the baby bus, which is loaded with a happy childhood!As parents ourselves, we at BabyBus take great importance on thechildren's privacy and health. Before you download our app, pleaseread our privacy statement here.▶Welcome to contact us on:Facebook: en@babybus.comWebsite: http://www.babybus.comtwitter:
Creative Shapes World
BabyBus Kids Games
With Creative Shapes World we encourage ourlittle explorers to learn about basic geometric shapes throughinteractions with engaging animations, colors and sounds! You cantap or tilt the screen to set a learning world in motion, turn themost simple objects into amazing characters and play with them.The fun and interactive design of Creative Shapes World teacheskids that there are amazing things to be discovered and encouragestheir curiosity and their willingness to learn.Fun features:- Plenty of possible combinations and fun-An intuitive interface that makes the game easy to cope with- Play a mini-game with each creationDesigned for kids 2 years old & up!________Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learningWe focus on skill-buildingWe focus on bringing fun contents to our young audienceTake the baby bus for an unique learning experience!________Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.________Feel free to tell us your thoughts on our games and services usingthe contact methods listed below:E-mail: en@babybus.comWebsite:
Magical Seeds by BabyBus
BabyBus Kids Games
Let your children plant a seed and see theexcitement on their faces when the plants bear fruit. The seedswill find their new homes where they will grow strong! See how wellthe seeds grow under your children’s special care! Fun game foryour children during Christmas!Fun Features:- Learn the plant growth cycle and how seeds travel innature;- Plant six different seeds and the four ways they spread;- Many different gameplay for a fun and interactive experience!Plants are an inseparable part of our lives. They provide uswith food and supply us with the oxygen we breathe. Take a steptoward nature by learning the plant growth cycle starting from theplanting a seed. Let’s see how these magical seeds turn intodifferent plants and trees!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learning;We focus on skill-building;We focus on bringing fun contents to our young audience;Take the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:BabyBus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and 6.The educational series in the Prodigy Group combines the mainconcepts of early childhood education to meet the needs ofmastering different learning categories. The applications are aimedat the comprehensive and the analytic development inpreschoolers.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.As parents ourselves, we at BabyBus take great importance on thechildren's privacy and health. Before you download our app, pleaseread our privacy statement here. us:E-mail: ser@babybus.comWebsite: http://www.babybus.comFacebook:
Number Whizz - game for kids
BabyBus Kids Games
Children understand little about what numbersare; what do they look like and what can they be used for? Let’sgive them a lesson on numbers and not spoil the fun!Fun features:- Learn numbers by shapes;- Count for hungry eaters;- Dialing telephone numbers!Numbers are meaningless to children unless we can put them intocontext. In this app, they will make contact with numbers when theyplay different activities. They will become familiar with numbersand never forget them again!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learning;We focus on skill-building;We focus on bringing fun contents to our young audience;Take the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and 6.The educational series in the Starter Group pursuits earlylearning by introducing games and songs tailored to your tots. Theapplications are aimed at improving their hand-eye coordination andnurturing their creativity from an early age.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.Contact us:Facebook: en@babybus.comWebsite:
Baby, Come to Find Me
BabyBus Kids Games
Test your good eye and find all the hiddenitems in a group of similar ones. There are 30 items to find, andthey are all hidden away!Fun features:- Cute pictures and sounds- Funny hiding places- All of your favorite items!Play this fun game for kids of all ages. Let them practice theireyesight and spot the hidden items. So silly, and yet, so fun!-- -- --Design concepts:We focus on inspirational learningWe focus on skill-buildingWe focus on bringing fun contents to our young audienceTake the baby bus for an unique learning experience!The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhood educationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed and developedspecifically for preschoolers, and they are divided into two groupsby age, the Starter Group for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3and the Prodigy Group for children between the ages of 3 and 6.The educational series in the Prodigy Group combines the mainconcepts of early childhood education to meet the needs ofmastering different learning categories. The applications are aimedat the comprehensive and the analytic development inpreschoolers.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of ourproducts.Feel free to tell us your thoughts on our games and servicesusing the contact methods listed below:E-mail: en@babybus.comWebsite: http://www.babybus.comFacebook: